Powerful Yoga Postures That Improve Your Sex Life

Powerful Yoga Postures That Improve Your Sex Life.jpg

The relation between yoga and sex might not come obvious to many. 

Can yoga really help with your sex life? The answer is definitely, yes. Let's explore the effects of some yoga postures on your body, and how they're related to your sexual energy.

Disclaimer: this article doesn't replace appropriate medical advice.

Yoga and energy work

In Sanskrit, yoga comes from 'yuj', meaning 'to unite'. That totally makes sense when we know that its ultimate purpose is the union of the body and the mind.

Beyond helping with stress, energy increase and self-esteem, yoga is about bringing back awareness to our breath, watching our mind, feeling our energy flowing through postures. 

"Wires channel the flow of electricity. And in our body, we also have many channels. If those channels are blocked, we need to open them up. That is what we do in yoga: we turn on the tap, which stimulates energy to flow." [1]

This flow of energy is called 'prana' which means 'life force' in Sanskrit. Sexual energy is very linked to this vital force.

"Sexual desire may in fact be the only type of desire; psychoanalytic theory holds that all other forms of desire and creative energy are the result of rerouted sexual energy — often called “the libido” — towards other endeavors." [2]

How do these yoga postures influence sexual energy?

Research shows that a healthy sex life has to do with good blood circulation.

So, how does yoga help with blood circulation? Well, for optimal blood flow, the body needs oxygen and movement. Yoga is all about combining breathing and postures, which together contribute to better circulation. 

To be more precise, the act of bending, twisting and stretching the body has a direct effect on veins (compressing, decompressing, and so on) as well as blood flow. Good circulation will then successfully deliver oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs.

Research shows that strong pelvic floor muscles are linked to increased sexual activity. 

The pelvis is the area between the abdomen and the thighs, supporting the intestines, the bladder, sex organs. It also comprises hip bones, sacrum, and pubis.

Some yoga postures can improve your sex life because they stimulate pelvic floor muscles, the ones responsible for our sexual functions.

As a matter of fact, orgasm happens when pelvic floor muscles contract, penetration is allowed (or not) by the vagina's muscles or by the sphincters muscles (in case of anal sex), and erection can occur thanks to muscle contraction too! 

Basically, a satisfying sex life depends on our muscles. Even the ones you didn't even know existed!

Here are some yoga postures that can significantly impact your sex life, when practiced regularly.

Yoga postures for your sex life

# Cat & Cow


What is it good for?

  • Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor

  • Stimulating the reproductive organs

  • Increasing circulation

  • Opening the heart

# Butterfly


What is it good for?

  • Stretching inner thighs and groin  

  • Improving flexibility in the hip region 

  • Reinforcing pelvic floor muscles

  • Increasing blood circulation to the reproductive system

  • Stimulating the reproductive organs

# Goddess


What is it good for?

  • Heating and energizing the body

  • Opening the chest, hips and legs

  • Stimulating the urogenital system (reproductive and urinary organs) and pelvic floor

  • Increasing circulation

  • Activating the root chakra

# Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold


What is it good for?

  • Opening the hips

  • Soothing the nervous system

  • Releasing neck and shoulder tension, where we store a lot of emotional baggage

  • Toning abdominal organs (ovaries, prostate gland, bladder, kidneys)

# Yogi Squat


What is it good for?

  • Opening hips and groin

  • Stimulation of abs, internal organs, sex glands and spleen

  • Strengthening glutes, pelvic floor, and core

  • Digestion and elimination

# Bridge


What is it good for?

  • Energizing the body

  • Soothing the nervous system

  • Opening and expanding the front body: chest, heart, hip flexors

  • Stimulation of abdominal organs

  • Pelvic floor health

# Happy Baby


What is it good for?

  • Releasing lower back and sacrum

  • Opening hips, inner tights, groin

  • Stretching the spine, creating more alignment

  • Relieving stress

# Reclined Butterfly


What is it good for?

  • Alternative to Savasana (the corpse pose) as a restorative posture

  • Stimulating abdominal organs 

  • Increasing circulation

  • Deep stretching of inner thighs, groin and knees

  • Hips opener

# Bound Angle


What is it good for?

  • Opening hips, groin and inner thighs

  • Improving circulation, particularly in the pelvis

  • Easing sexual tension 

  • Stimulating abdominal organs 

  • Reducing stress

# Side Lunge


What is it good for?

  • Balancing the sacral and root chakras

  • Activating the pelvic floor

  • Releasing muscles tissues of the hips, thighs, calves, and pelvis

  • Opening the hips

  • Against stress and anxiety

  • Strength and balance

# Pigeon


What is it good for?

  • Opening the hip joints

  • Stretching the hip flexors, hence increasing flexibility, the thighs, glutes, groin, and piriformis muscles

  • Stimulating internal organs

New to yoga? If you're looking for some guidance, we suggest you watch these great yoga classes. They particularly focus on the pelvic floor and sexual vitality.

Happy workout ♥︎


[1] 'Yoga and Energy' by Bernie Clarke published in Yoga International

[2] 'The Chemistry and Chimera of Desire' published in Healthline



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